Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915.

Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters, - Miriam Edition - East Aurora, New York: The Roycrofters 1912 - 2 vols., 148 p. (2) front., plates, ports. 20 cm.

Book Two: Fortuny––Ary Sceffer––Francois Millet––Joshua Reynolds––Landseer––Gustave Dore

Fortuny, Mariano 1838-74.
Scheffer, Ary 1795-1858
Millet, Francois 1814-75.
Reynolds, Joshua 1723-92
Landseer, Edwin, 1802-73.
Dore, Gustave, 1832-83.

ND36 / .H8 1912