Hand and brain: a symposium of essays on socialism
by William Morris, Grant Allen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry S. Salt, Alfred Russel Wallace, and Edward Carpenter.
- Aurora, N.Y., Done into a book by the Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, 1898.
- 142 p. 24 cm.
Printer's device on recto of leaf at end: initials. "Of this edition on hand-made Kelmscott paper but seven hundred twenty copies were printed and types then distributed. Each book is numbered & this book is no. 594."
The socialist idea in art [by] William Morris. - Re-occupation of the land [by] A. R. Wallace. - Socialism and literature [by] H. S. Salt. - Natural inequality [by] Grant Allen. - The illusions of socialism [by] Bernard Shaw. - Transitions to freedom [by] Edward Carpenter.