Crane, Walter, 1845-1915.

Ideals in art: papers--theoretical--practical--critical; by Walter Crane ... - London, George Bell & Sons, 1905. - xiv, 287 p. illus. 24 cm.

Fancy t.-p.

Of the arts and crafts movement: its general tendency and possible outcome.--Of the teaching of art.--Of methods of art teaching.--Note on Tolstoi's "What is art?"--Of the influence of modern social and economic conditions on the sense of beauty.--Of the social and ethical bearings of art.--Of ornament and its meaning.--Thoughts on house-decoration.--Of the progress of taste in dress in relation to art education.--Of temporary street decorations.--Of the treatment of animal forms in decoration and heraldry.--Of the designing of book-covers.--Of the use of gilding in decoration of raised work in gesso.--The relation of the easel picture of decorative art.--A great artist in a literary searchlight.--Index.

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