Brunk, Thomas W. 1949-

Pewabic Pottery : the American arts and crafts movement expressed in clay / Thomas W. Brunk ; with a foreword by Martin Eidelberg. - pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Mary Chase Perry : artist, china decorator, potter and educator -- Horace J. Caulkins and the Revelation kilns --The stable studio -- A new home on Jefferson Avenue -- The Society of Arts & Crafts -- Charles Lang Freer -- William B. Stratton : architect and potter -- Going it alone : 1923 to the Great Depression -- Surviving the Great Depression, World War II and the postwar decades -- Tile commissions -- Artists' own homes : the Perry-Stratton residences -- Glazes -- Pewabic Pottery : a comparative analysis -- Michigan State University and Pewabic Pottery.

"This book presents a comprehensive history of Pewabic Pottery in Detroit, Michigan, its founders, and its place in the Arts and Crafts movement"--



Pewabic Pottery (Firm)--History.

Arts and crafts movement--United States.

NK4210.P48 / B468 2021
