Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915.

Selected writings of Elbert Hubbard; his mintage of wisdom, coined from a life of love, laughter and work, lovingly gathered by Elbert Hubbard II and made into goodly volumes by the Roycrofters at their shops, which are at East Aurora, New York, and issued as an anniversary edition. - New York, W.H. Wise & co. 1923 - 14 v. mounted front., mounted illus., mounted plates (part col.) mounted ports. 22 cm.

v. 1. Pamphlets.--v. 2. Olympians.--v. 3. Time and chance. The city of Tagaste. The journal of Koheleth. The Song of songs.--v. 4. Preachments.--v. 5. The elect.--v. 6. Fra Elbertus.--v. 7. On my way.--v. 8. Modern business.--v. 9. Philistia.--v. 10. Hundred-point men.--v. 11. The Man of sorrows. No enemy but himself. Forbes of Harvard.--v. 12. An American bible.--v. 13. The legacy. Pig-pen Pete. Ali Baba. Respectability. Roycroft dictionary.--v. 14. Short stories and index.


PS2040 / .A2 1923