Women and society,
Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924.
Women and society, by V.I. Lenin; with an introduction by N. Krupskaya. - New York, International Publishers [c1938] - 31, [1] p. 20 cm. - Little Lenin library, v. 23 .
Women--Soviet Union.
Women--Legal status, laws, etc.--Soviet Union.
DK254.L3 / A56 vol. 23
Women and society, by V.I. Lenin; with an introduction by N. Krupskaya. - New York, International Publishers [c1938] - 31, [1] p. 20 cm. - Little Lenin library, v. 23 .
Women--Soviet Union.
Women--Legal status, laws, etc.--Soviet Union.
DK254.L3 / A56 vol. 23