The Saturday evening post.

The Saturday evening post. United States Saturday post - Philadelphia : G. Graham, 1839- - v. : ill. ; 27-79 cm. - Bimonthly, Oct. 1991-<2013> - Frequency varies, 1839-1991 - Vol. 18, no. 954 (Nov. 9, 1839)-

Publisher varies. Some numbers around 1842-1843 have title: United States Saturday post. Title from caption.

Vol. numbering omitted Nov. 3, 1855-. Vol. numbering changed from v. 77 to v. 170, no. 31 with Jan. 29, 1898 issue. Suspended publication Feb. 9, 1969-spring 1971. Issues for summer and autumn 1971 unnumbered but constitute v. 243, no. 1-2.

0048-9239 = The Saturday evening post (1839)


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