Little journeys ...

Hubbard, Elbert, |d 1856-1915.

Little journeys ... Some issues have title: Little journeys to homes of ... - East Aurora, New York, Roycrofters, 1894-1911. - 29 v. illustrations ; 17-21 cm.

Occasional mistakes in numbering. "The borders, initials, ornaments, and binding designed by Roycroft artists, and the whole done into a printed book by the Roycrofters."--cf. colophons.

v.1. Good men and great.--v.2. American authors.--v.3. Famous women.--v.4. American statesmen.--v.5. Eminent painters.--v.6-7. English authors.--v.8-9. Great musicians.--v.10-11. Eminent artists.--v.12-13. Eminent orators.--v.14-15. Great philosophers.--v.16-17. Great scientists.--v.18-19. Great lovers.--v.20-21. Great reformers.--v.22-23. Great teachers.--v.24-25. Great business men.

Each issue is an individual biography, with each year devoted to a special group of biographies.


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