So here cometh White hyacinths, being a book of the heart, wherein is an attempt to body forth ideas and ideals for the betterment of men, eke women, who are preparing for life by living.
| Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915.
So here cometh White hyacinths, being a book of the heart, wherein is an attempt to body forth ideas and ideals for the betterment of men, eke women, who are preparing for life by living. - [East Aurora, Erie County, New York, The Roycrofters, 1907 - 108, [1] p. 2 ports. 19 cm.
PS2042 / .C5 1907
So here cometh White hyacinths, being a book of the heart, wherein is an attempt to body forth ideas and ideals for the betterment of men, eke women, who are preparing for life by living. - [East Aurora, Erie County, New York, The Roycrofters, 1907 - 108, [1] p. 2 ports. 19 cm.
PS2042 / .C5 1907