The goldsmith of Florence; a book of great craftsmen,
Gibson, Katharine, 1893-
The goldsmith of Florence; a book of great craftsmen, by Katharine Gibson; decorations by Kalman Kubinyi. - New York, The Macmillan Company, 1929. - xv, [2], 209 p. incl. front., illus. 32 cm.
Bibliography: p. 207-209.
pt. 1. In the time of the knights: Weavers of stories; tapestries. Brothers of the quill; illuminated manuscripts. Wood-carvers of long ago. The armorer.--pt. 2. In the great days of the city of Florence: Ghiberti and the goblins. Capping the Duomo; Brunelleschi. Donatello's children. The secret a bambino keeps; Della Robbia. The goldsmith of Florence; Cellini.--pt. 3. During the American revolution--and now: Boston's handyman; Paul Revere. A wood-carver of today; I. Kirchmayer. Master smith; Frank Koralewsky.
Decorative arts.
N7438 / .G5
The goldsmith of Florence; a book of great craftsmen, by Katharine Gibson; decorations by Kalman Kubinyi. - New York, The Macmillan Company, 1929. - xv, [2], 209 p. incl. front., illus. 32 cm.
Bibliography: p. 207-209.
pt. 1. In the time of the knights: Weavers of stories; tapestries. Brothers of the quill; illuminated manuscripts. Wood-carvers of long ago. The armorer.--pt. 2. In the great days of the city of Florence: Ghiberti and the goblins. Capping the Duomo; Brunelleschi. Donatello's children. The secret a bambino keeps; Della Robbia. The goldsmith of Florence; Cellini.--pt. 3. During the American revolution--and now: Boston's handyman; Paul Revere. A wood-carver of today; I. Kirchmayer. Master smith; Frank Koralewsky.
Decorative arts.
N7438 / .G5