The arts and crafts movement in America

Stickley, Gustav, 1858-1942

The arts and crafts movement in America by Gustáv Stickley ; with commentary by David Cathers. - 8 p. : bill. ; 23 cm. - Ephemera revisited series .

"Reprinted from the San Francisco Sunday call, June 12, 1940" -- P. 8. "So here ends the first Ephemera revisited series printed at the Clinker Press by Andre Chaves in June, 2001 on Lana laid paper using a Miehle vertical press. Mis-en-page by Don Nelson, binding by David Weinstein. ... I printed 80 copies. This is number Author's Copy." -- Colophon.

Includes bibliographical references (p.8).

Arts and crafts movement--California

NK1141. / 749 2001