La femme : the influence of Whistler and Japanese print masters on American art, 1800-1917 : October 26-December 30, 1983, Grand Central Art Galleries, Inc.

La femme : the influence of Whistler and Japanese print masters on American art, 1800-1917 : October 26-December 30, 1983, Grand Central Art Galleries, Inc. - [New York] ; The Galleries, 1983 - 140 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 94-95).

Ukiyo-e print masters / Gary Levine--Whistler's aesthetics and Japanese design / Robert R. Preato--Sharp needle and smooth stone / Francine Tyler.

Whistler, James McNeill, 1834-1903.
Whistler, James McNeill, 1834-1903.

Art, American--Japanese influences--Exhibitions.
Art, American--19th century--Exhibitions.
Women in art--Exhibitions.

ND210 / .F33 1983