The Studio : a magazine of fine and applied art.
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- N1 .S93
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Vols. 1-116 have subtitle: An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art (varies slightly).
From Mar. 1897 to 1921 an American edition of the Studio was issued in New York, entitled: The International Studio. A certain part of each number was printed in England and joined with an American section to make the complete magazine. In 1922 the International studio was purchased by the International studio inc., and was then produced wholly in America.
Some works of Arthur Rackham included in volumes 32, 57, and 66.
With an article by Baron Corvo in volume 1.
Vols. 1-21, 1893-1901. 1 v. ; vols. 22-42, 1901-1908, 1 v.
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