Decorative furniture; a picture book of the beautiful forms of all ages and all periods: Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Romanesque, Gothic, Franch renaissance, Italian renaissance, later Italian, Louis XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, Directoire and Empire, Spanish, Portuguese, Flemish, Dutch, Swiss, Elizabethan, Jacobean, Charles II, William and Mary, Queen Anne, early Georgian, Chippendale, Adam, Hepplewhite, Sheraton, American colonial, modern European and American, American mission. By George Leland Hunter, with more than 900 illustrations, 23 plates in color. by
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Grand Rapids, Good furniture magazine, 1923
Availability: Items available for loan: Stickley Museum Library (Non-Circulating) (1)Call number: NK2230 .H8.